Sunday, January 24, 2010

hot for hot springs

Beitou is one of my favorite spots in Taipei--the hot springs are magical, there are cool museums to explore, and the area is quite walkable. I've visited twice in the last few weeks and I hope to be able to spend even more time there over the next several months--there's just so much to discover.

I am especially fond of the Beitou Public Library--so fond of it, in fact, that I selected it as the site for our wedding photos a few weeks ago! It's the first LEED platinum-certified (I think) building in Taiwan and I'd love to go back some day to hang out and browse the stacks. The last time I was there it looked like they had a lovely collection focused on green design and construction and wildlife conservation.

And--oh!--the folk art! Who can get enough folk art? In Beitou, one does not lack for folk art.


  1. It looks warm in Taiwan. I want to go to there.

  2. It's warmish! Come be to here!

  3. I love libraries! Maybe I should come, too!

  4. I'm on board for any discovery. And I bet they have vegetables, which I miss so much.
