Sunday, May 23, 2010

little bo-pi-liao (has lost her sho-pi-liao?!)

Apologies for the groan-worthy post title. Moving on...
After an extended absence, I've returned (again!)! Work has been very busy lately, and this past week it was my great delight to host three lovely friends visiting from the States. We did all kinds of exploring (more pictures to come!), but I wanted to start with a few snapshots from Bo-Pi-Liao, a restored Qing-dynasty era street at the intersection of Kangding Road, Guangzhou Street, and Kunming Street in Wanhua. If you haven't been to the area, check it out! The architecture is gorgeous and right now you can catch some of the costumes and set-pieces from Monga on display--sooooo cool.

I love the eyes on the owl clock in the picture above. They are staring into my very soul.

We all know it's about to get too hot to want to do anything other than dunk your face in a bowl of mango ice in the food court at Taipei 101, so go check it out now. If you're even remotely interested in old Taipei, restoration projects, or colonial architecture you won't be disappointed!