Wednesday, March 31, 2010

purple haze

I just had to include one last image from Singapore, which I took at Kou Chou Ching's performance at the Mosaic Music Festival. It's one of my favorite fieldwork pictures to date and is actually completely un-Photoshopped. Something happened with the light at the precise moment I pressed the button and everything went totally purple. Incidentally, I realize I haven't actually explained the nature of my research on this blog, but I think the few research-related images I've posted thus far must be painting an intriguing picture...

a bride not on her wedding day

Of all the images I took in Singapore, I think this one--of a bride wandering around the National Museum--is my favorite. Incidentally, if you ever happen to find yourself lost between Malaysia and Indonesia, looking for something to do for an afternoon, get yourself to this museum. It is expertly curated, centrally located, and absolutely beautiful.

Monday, March 29, 2010

the mean streets of singapore

I recently returned from a short trip to Singapore with Catherine Shu and we had a wonderful time roaming the streets and compulsively taking pictures with our little cameras. I like how these shots seem to give a kind of grit to the city, which is really much more fiction than truth!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Forgive the recent lack of updates! Life has been busy! Regular programming will resume soon!

(This image, by the by, was taken in the Wayang and Film Gallery at the National Museum of Singapore!)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

on a temple wall kick

Bao'an Temple is one of my favorite temples in the world--and that's saying something because I've been to ten gazillion and it remains the apple of my eye. This image is of a painting on one of the outer walls of the central shrine. Does anyone know what story it illustrates?

that's a relief

I spotted this relief on a wall outside a temple in Tainan a couple of weeks ago. I took the image with my digital harinezumi, and it looks a bit like a living cartoon.

Monday, March 1, 2010

the most beautiful thing I have ever seen

Hundreds of lanterns floating in the sky at 平溪. I was right underneath them all and first they looked like glowing jellyfish...

then bubbles...

then stars.